The May 2nd elections are over

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Council election


Greasbrough ward

Greasbrough vote 1

Your Tactical Vote is


Linda Beresford

Greasbrough vote 2

Your Tactical Vote is


Sonia Blake

More Info

Join Up & be ready for the general election

Join Up & be ready for the general election

Join a movement of millions of us, voting tactically.

Our newsletter will empower you to tell the new government why we showed up.

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Getting ready for the 2024 General Election.

13 million people could vote tactically at this year's general election. That's roughly a third of voters showing up just to get the Tories out. Register as a tactical voter by joining the Movement Forward and we can prove it. Then together we'll tell the new government how they can earn our votes next time.

Tactical Advice Explainer

(Greasbrough ward)

You can vote for 2 candidates in total here

Labour won the last election

Independent or smaller party came 2nd

Tories came 3rd

Visit WhoCanIVoteFor for info

Don't forget your Photo ID!

Read more about our process

Last election: 06/05/2021

Average votes per candidate

0 100 200 300 400 500 Labour Tory Other Green Lib Dem

No data for the second-to-last election

We don't have any useful result data for the second-to-last election. Perhaps the election was too long ago, the seat has changed name or it's is a new seat?

Please reach out on social media if you have some data!