About Us

We're building an army of smart voters, who vote tactically for real change.

Because at every election, the majority of British voters have been showing up against the Tories, but they've been in power two thirds of the last hundred years.

Austerity, Brexit, privatisation, mass poverty, the failing economy, bigotry, inequality, division - we didn't vote for any of it.

Together we'll make it clear that it was us - the voters - who showed up to use our votes mainly to remove the Tories, and set us on the thriving path we deserve.

We'll make sure that the national conversation is about why we had to do this, vote tactically, and how we really want to be able to vote with our hearts in future.

Really we want to be able to vote for something, not forced to vote against things.

But our elections don't work that way.

We're lending the opposition parties our votes in the place they're most likely to win this time.

But they'll have to earn them next time.

How the next government can earn our millions of votes next time

So we're also showing up to make sure the next government understands that we want Proportional Representation - so our votes finally count. As well as other democratic reforms, media regulation, our national services, human rights, equalities, and opportunities, and the policies that will lift us all up.

Proportional Representation is the key, because the people that make decisions on those things should truly reflect the people. That only happens when the percentage of MPs a party gets is the same as the percentage of votes they got. It makes no seat safe too, since all votes count.

The fight for Proportional Representation is just the same fight for representation we've always been in, and it's the fight for everything, everyone, and every cause.

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